Steem is an Atari STE emulator. It has taken about 2 years to get to its present state where it runs the vast majority of ST software without problems. One of the best features of Steem is that it is very easy to use, almost all its options can be toggled while the emulation is still running to see the effects they have. The usual nightmare of setting up virtual hard drives and finding/switching disk images is a doddle using Steem's disk manager. You can easily set up and use any axis or any button of any joystick supported by Windows to control the ST joysticks or aspects of the emulator itself using Steem's innovative shortcuts feature.
- -- Bug Fixes --
. VBL timing inaccuracies (Lethal Xcess, No Cooper demo).
. STE sound short buffer support (Another World).
. Overscan timer B bug (Mindbomb).
. v2.1 24-bit straight blit/screen flip lowres double size window/fullscreen yellowing fixed.
. v2.1 FDC seek failed flag bug fixed.
. Hard drive Pexec close file bug (XSteem segfaults).
. Many other hard drive emulation bugs.
. Proper floppy disk light emulation.
. XSteem - options and general info should now work on all window managers.
-- New Features --
. Configurable run speed %.
. Better support for non-English keyboards, alternate switching and Type ST Character shortcut.
. 256 colour brightness/contrast display
. XSteem - statically linked binary, should work on any 486-compatible Linux system.
. Debug build - shortcuts for trace, run to rte and logging suspension.
Download: Steem v2.2