Eagle-eyed Redditor, Leopeva64-2, has spotted that Microsoft has enabled the Search tabs option by default in the latest build of Edge Canary, Build 98.0.1089.0. The feature has been available in Edge Canary since August but it had to be enabled manually.
As Edge is built on the same foundations as Google Chrome, it’ll be no surprise to learn that Search tabs in Edge Canary can be invoked with the same command as it can in Google Chrome; Ctrl + Shift + A. Unlike Chrome, however, which includes a Search tabs button next to the minimise button, the Search tabs feature in Edge is located under the Tab actions menu in the upper left corner of the browser.
It's unclear whether Microsoft will continue to hold this feature in Canary to continue working on it or whether it will be promoted to the Dev channel. If it is promoted, it will hopefully arrive on the Stable build in just a couple of months so you can begin using it day-to-day.
In terms of new features on Edge, Microsoft recently added a greyed out option on Edge for Android Canary to enable biometric or PIN security before users can autofill usernames and passwords. That feature is still greyed out so cannot be turned on at this time, however.