The latest edition of Microsoft Weekly is filled to the brim with news about the latest major update to Windows 11, "Moment 2", a reference to Windows 12, and updates to services like Windows 365.
This edition of Microsoft Weekly is full of news items about the latest Windows 11 features, updates to Microsoft Edge and its support policies, along with some items about Teams enhancements.
Microsoft has released version 1.2 of the Windows App SDK with a bunch of new features including support for third-party Widgets in Windows 11, updated media playback controls, and lots more.
Microsoft has introduced Auto Color Management (ACM) for select SDR displays with the Windows 11 2022 Update. It enables the OS to manage color spaces for apps with more accuracy and consistency.
Apple has updated its rules around third-party in-app payments for dating apps in the Netherlands. They will simplify the process for developers. Apple is still against allowing 3rd party payments.