Federal Judge lets California's SB 976 ban on addictive social media feeds for minors move forward, despite tech industry pushback.
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A new report has found that gaming addiction in China has significantly fallen year-over-year after the country brought in measures to limit play time to just a few hours per week.
Instagram has increased the lowest daily limit to 30 minutes. Prior, you could set the app usage limit to 15 minutes but that option is no longer available. The move should help bolster revenues.
A Twitter user, known as Dorothy, has been providing comedy for users on Twitter this month after getting her phone confiscated by her mother. She used unlikely devices afterward to continue tweeting.
The videos games industry has asked the World Health Organization to reconsider its addition of gaming addiction on to its list of mental health disorder. The addition came at the start of 2018.
China has resumed issuing licenses to game publishers after it spent the last nine months figuring out how to filter out extreme violence and how to limit games being too addictive for children.
Two Apple shareholders have asked the company in a public letter to do more to research and tackle children's addiction to iPhones. One proposal it mentioned was a yearly report of progress made.
The World Health Organisation has for the first time listed gaming addiction as a disorder. It'll be added to the International Classification of Diseases manual due to be published this year.
A man's recent addiction to Fallout 4 has left him without a job, wife, friends and in bad health. He is now suing the makers of the game for emotional distress.
Internet addiction is becoming a problem in Asian countries, especially China where a 19 year old has cut off his own hand in an effort to 'cure' himself of this problem.
While it's not uncommon for people with problems to blame others before accepting and dealing with their issues, who would have thought that Apple would be accused of making a person addicted to porn?
A 19 year old Pennsylvanian man has been arrested after stopping to check his account on social networking website Facebook whilst burgling a house, and then forgetting to log out again. According to The...
Well, at least it is in China. Recently China has had many instances, just like other parts of the world, where fights, even murders, have taken place over Internet occurrences. Online "relationships" are one of...
Quick: When's the last time you checked your e-mail? If you're like most Americans, the answer is likely within the last 15 minutes -- even if you're not at work. And if you carry a...
Doctors backed away on Sunday from a controversial proposal to designate video game addiction as a mental disorder akin to alcoholism, saying psychiatrists should study the issue more. Addiction experts also strongly opposed the...
E-mail addicts can be placed in the same basket with alcoholics and drug abusers: a 12-step program designed to tackle their obsession is now available. Marsha Egan, an executive coach in Pennsylvania, has devised a...
If you love gadgets and computers and absolutely must have the latest device, then you may be a neophiliac. Neophiliacs, it seems, are people who are addicted to the new. "Some folks have an...
The General Administration of Press and Publication in China reports that the Chinese government will begin taking action to curb the addition to many massive multiplayer online role playing games amongst young people in that...