According to Silicon Valley Insider, former Microsoft employee and leading light for Windows Vista has turned his hands to matters of a more musical nature. His new record Enigma, released on iTunes this past...
Allchin RSS
After 17 years with Microsoft, Jim Allchin retired from Microsoft as of Jan. 30, 2007 – the day on which Microsoft officially released the Windows Vista operating system to consumers. James (Jim) Allchin served as...
Last Sunday Tom Warren and myself were invited to lunch with Jim Allchin along with a few other bloggers that have been helpful to the Vista program that spanned a good 2 years. This combined...
Microsoft's Windows Vista has undergone a series of security tests against the top malware threats as reported by Sophos on November 30. The results, according to Jim Allchin, were a success. A clean install of...
In court yesterday Microsoft VP Jim Allchin defended the security exception to disclosure in the proposed Microsoft-DoJ settlement, which is derided by opponents as "security by obscurity," but under cross-examination by States' attorney Kevin Hodges...
Thanks Christopher for sending in this one. The Windows .Net Server operating system probably will reach customers' hands sometime next year, and its successor will go "beyond 2003," Jim Allchin, Microsoft Corp.'s group vice president...
Allchin, head of Microsoft's platforms division and part of Chairman Bill Gates' inner circle, is the maestro behind the computer program dubbed XP — the flashiest, most powerful and perhaps the most controversial product in...