Canonical has disabled the SPI driver in the latest version of Ubuntu in order to stop BIOSes on computers being corrupted. The new update is classified as Ubuntu 17.10.1 and is supported until July.
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Ubuntu 17.04 will reach end of life on Saturday following nine months of updates. Users of the release should be looking to move to Ubuntu 17.10 or Ubuntu 16.04 LTS before updates stop.
The popular Linux distribution, Ubuntu, will receive patches for the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities by Janurary 9th. Canonical has been hard at work over the holidays crafting a patch.
Canonical temporarily pulled the Ubuntu 17.10 release on Wednesday after users reported that their BIOS was being corrupted when installing the operating system on specific machines.
Canonical has announced the second Ubuntu release this year. Ubuntu 17.10 switches over to the GNOME desktop and Wayland display server to allow for bugs to be worked out before the next LTS release.
Canonical has released the final beta of Ubuntu 17.10. It's the last release before the release candidate which ships one week before the final release to work out any remaining issues.
Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark will not ship with a 32-bit edition leaving many older devices high and dry. Luckily other flavors of Ubuntu haven't announced anything similar so you can use those.