Meta's chief AI scientist Yann LeCun has said that AI doesn't pose a risk to humanity and that right now it's still not as intelligent as a dog as it's only based on vast quantities of text.
Cats RSS
Reddit has chosen to offer some of its stats from 2014, showing that they are a step closer to becoming the "front page of the internet," with a nice infographic for your pleasure.
One of Google's secret projects involves a brain simulation, a huge network of computer processors - and cats, lots and lots of cats on YouTube. For science! Take a jump to read more.
Ever since the first generation iPad was released, the rallying cry has been that it’s so easy, even your kid can use it. While it’s true that the tablet experience is easy to use, is...
Greetings from the Notorious R.A.D. no not a fallen overweight rapper but your host on a journey through the days Bits, Bytes and the just plain crazy. No i wasn't drunk when i posted this...