GPTZero and Peerceptiv have partnered up to give professors of post-secondary students the tools they need to identify where artificial intelligence has been used to write a person's essay.
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Just as the game is becoming more and more popular, Niantic has updated its terms of service. The company is cracking down on those abusing and/or cheating in Pokémon GO and perma-banning them.
Earlier this week motherboard manufacturer Gigabyte accused Asus of cheating. Claiming that Asus's Peg Link Mode "Clandestinely overclocks the frequency of memory and core engines of ATI based PCI Express Graphics". Today Asus...
Thanks to DiGRem for the heads up in BPN. Benchmark software company Futuremark has dropped its allegation that graphics card maker Nvidia cheated, ending the dispute between the two firms. ...
The Ultimate Cheat List! contains over 17,000 codes, hints, cheats, trainers, reviews, game companys and walkthoughs for PC, Nintendo 64, PlayStation, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Jaguar, SNES, Genesis, portable, and classic systems. TUCL(The Ultimate Cheat List!)...