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GPTZero and Peerceptiv have partnered up to give professors of post-secondary students the tools they need to identify where artificial intelligence has been used to write a person's essay.
Exam chiefs are employing an armoury of James Bond-style gadgets to crack down on teenagers cheating in their GCSEs and A-levels this summer. The Edexcel exam board's hi-tech approach, including electronic tagging of question papers,...
For those of you who are getting stuck, or just plain frustrated with Doom 3 here are some cheats. Be sure to check out Futuremarks forums for the complete list of cheats. ...
Italian schools are using military technology and transfering it to the class room to help stop students cheating in their exams. Mobile phone technology has opened up a whole new front for teenagers desperate to...
Growing numbers of married people are turning to internet chat rooms for sexual thrills, a US study has found. Most spouses who got involved with the opposite sex over the internet did...