Instagram's latest experiment on its social media platform is a new dislike button the company is currently testing.
Comments RSS
YouTube is testing a new feature that will allow creators to reply to comments using their voice on iOS.
Reddit has made some improvements to its Android and iOS mobile apps which make the conversations load faster and work in the same way no matter what the media type of the post is.
Much like Facebook, Instagram has now enabled the ability for users to comment on posts using GIFs, which will be enabled from today. The feature allows users to select GIFs from Giphy to post.
To reduce the number of instances where users post violent, abusive comments, YouTube has come up with a comment removal warnings & timeout system. It will send warnings to users making such comments.
This guide will help you restore more online privacy using a tool for Reddit called Power Delete Suite that helps you to clean up your Reddit posts and comments with powerful filters.
China has passed a new policy that requires every website to review and verify real names of those who comment and its content. The information will be sent to the Chinese government if it is illegal.
Facebook has announced some new tools that give users more control over their experience. It's now possible to control who can comment on specific posts, and there's a new filter for the News Feed.
We looked at what was most viewed, now it's time to look at the 10 posts that got the most user interaction in the year that's coming to a close. Of course, there's a bonus as well.
In an effort to further the cause of child safety and protection from sexual predators, YouTube announced plans to disable the comment section on all videos that have minors in them on the platform.
It's perhaps of no surprise that the end of the year brings forth a list of some sort. In this case, we take a look at the 10 news posts that our readers found most comment-worthy.
It appears that Facebook is testing a "Downvote" button which allows users to mark questionable comments as misleading, offensive, or off-topic. However, it is only intended for comment moderation.
We write, and you read. Hopefully what we write leads you to comment, or give your opinion. Over the course of 2017, there was a lot of reader interaction. Here's what spurred you to your keyboards.
After introducing colored status updates, Facebook seems to be testing a new feature that could also do the same to comments. A small number of users were reportedly able to use it.
The news outlet, the Washington Post, has begun implementing Mozilla's Talk commenting system into its website. Over the coming week, Mozilla says Talk will be rolled out over the Post's entire site.
Facebook will rollout a new interface to its mobile app in the coming weeks. The update will help users see comments more easily and changes up the contrast on the News Feed for better legibility.
Users of the popular social media platform Instagram can now activate an AI to filter through comments on their posts and block anything deemed to be too offensive or potential spam.
The verbal war about cross-platform play between Sony and Microsoft continues. This time, Xbox head Phil Spencer has lashed out against Sony's defense for rejecting the functionality.
Facebook is experimenting with a new interface for its comments feature, bringing the display closer to the Messages graphic format. The tweak shows how the company is moving towards visual synergy.
YouTube, known for its toxic comments and massive number of inappropriate videos is asking its users for help to clean up the website. Through the Heroes program users are expected to report content.
John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile US, has apologised for his comments at the company's latest Uncarrier launch event, at which he said that rivals AT&T and Verizon were "raping" their customers.
Facebook comment spam can be annoying to encounter, but a group of Italian researchers believe it to be worth up to $200 million annually, with some spammers setting up pages to earn even more money.
A Q&A session during the Google I/O conference indicates that Google are paying attention to comments posted on YouTube, and could be contemplating changing the commenting system to crack down.
Facebook is rolling out a new feature that finally allows its many users to edit comments they write when they post a note in another Facebook user's status update at any time.
Anonymity online has been the double edged sword of Internet expression since cloaked commentary was allowed on every piece of media, from the tech blogs to the established periodical empires. And sometimes, the established tech...
Web browsers, cloud computing, and how it all comes together. Paul Thurrott: So it's always amusing to me when the mainstream press tries to cover tech products, but I was particularly interested in this...
A Lebanese Facebook group began as a collection of juvenile jokes revolving around a fellow student. After complaining to university authorities and being told that the matter was not a university concern, the woman took...
Microsoft hasn't divulged detailed plans for the next release of its Zune music player, but a company executive last week offered hints that seem to support reports that a flash memory-based Zune and an 80GB...
In the annals of missed opportunities by tech CEOs, Yahoo Chief Terry Semel has a doozy. In an interview with The New Yorker writer Ken Auletta as part of a Newhouse School lecture series, Semel...
Statements made on French radio have been "mistranslated or misunderstood" The idea that Fornay's mention of 499 to 599 Euro price ranges was an indication of the PS3's price point is "a mistranslation or...
Speaking to, a spokesperson for Sony Computer Entertainment has clarified comments made by CEO Howard Stringer recently regarding a spring launch for PS3. "Ken Kutaragi, president of SCE, announced a spring target date for...
According to an interview with Japanese site PC Watch, SCE head Ken Kutaragi said that more hardware intensive games will consume battery life faster for Sony's upcoming PSP handheld console. "Battery consumption will greatly differ...
SCE's outspoken president speaks out on the PSP for the first time since the price announcement this week. Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi (shown here at a press event held earlier...
Terry Nickerson who is ATI Technologies CFO that this week they have suggested that the company's developement work on graphics unit for Xbox 2 is almost complete. Speaking at the Smith Barney Citigroup...
New comments made by recently promoted Sony Europe president Chris Deering regarding the PlayStation Portable have hinted at a price point in the £250 range, while Japanese retail sources quote figures in a similar range....
JOHN CARMACK - Mr Doom - has passed some comments about the performance of the forthcoming GeForce FX (NV30) technology versus the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (R300) graphics technology on the Clanbase web site. In...
The Register Of Copyrights resides in the US Library of Congress and has public rulemaking authority over copyright enforcement for all types of media -- all books, periodicals, plays, music, films, etc. In...
Microsoft's Xbox will be cut in price from €479 (£299) to €299 (£185, but likely to end up £199). Consumers who have already purchased the console will soon be in the position to receive two...