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The owners of file-swapping giant Kazaa claimed Tuesday their software, which allows users to exchange copyrighted music and movies online, doesn't differ from video recorders, as they launched their defense in a landmark music piracy...

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Microsoft research labs are working on a new technique, code-named Shield. Software patching has not been an effective first-line defense preventing large-scale worm attacks, even when patches had long been available for their corresponding vulnerabilities....

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Microsoft Corp. on Friday filed its formal response to RealNetworks Inc.'s anti-trust lawsuit against it, denying allegations that it is impeding competition in the digital media market. In the "Answers and Defenses" filing in federal...

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Mitre, a not-for-profit engineering and IT organization that works with the US federal government, has recommended that the US Department of Defense take steps to encourage open-source software in the department's infrastructure. ...

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Uncle Sam is calling on IBM to help prevent enemy missiles from ever reaching U.S. soil. IBM plans to announce Monday that it has won a deal to supply the Defense Department...

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The US Department of Defense has proposed dramatic new limits on the use of foreign nationals in computer-related projects, rekindling a heated debate over the use of immigrant labor for high-tech jobs. The...

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