After last nights Detonator release, we were missing the Detonator 52.16 for Windows 2000/XP! well fear not Hanners at Elitebastards has snagged them for us! That's right, Elite Bastards have managed to...
Detonator RSS
Thanks to Newsfactory for posting this in our BPN Not much to say about these, latest dets for your Nvidia cards. 52.14 for XP/2K and 52.16 for Win 98/ME. Have fun. ...
3dChipset has snagged the Detonator 51.75 for your download pleasure. We have exlcusively the beta drivers for you to play around with. We always will provide beta drivers because we know our audience is intelligent...
Its that time again where we get all funky with the latest NVIDIA driver release. Thanks Newsfactory for posting in Back Page News on our Forums. Mark Fox tells us that he just come across...
Two/three weeks ago Detonator drivers 44.71 leaked onto the web. The big downside from that release was that it only supported certain models GeForce FX cards. Through an official source we now have Detonator 44.71...
Jumping the gun eVGA has released a full reference Nvidia Detonator driver for Windows 2000 and XP. The 20.9MB download is a WHQL certified multilanguage release. More importantly eVGA states in the release notes, that...
Warp2Search have uncovered a new, previously unreleased Nvidia Detonator driver version 44.65. This is the latest known build from the 44.xx series. This driver is a generic release and works for RIVA TNT, GeForce, Geforce...
Thanks xStainDx. This from Warp2search We have been directed to a new previously unreleased Nvidia Detonator driver version 44.61. This is the latest known build from the 44.xx series. This driver is limited in...
THE HARDWARE WORLD is talking about the so-called 3D Mark03 "bug" that tipped up as soon as Nvidia showed a new driver to the world. Writing software is not simple. This is not Nvidia's first...
Nvidia today will release the Detonator FX unified drivers for the company's award-winning line of desktop, mobile, and workstation graphics processing units (GPUs). The Nvidia Detonator FX is based on the company's world-renowned Unified Driver...
Cheers Viper of Techconnect for this, he is hosting some new Detonators, this time its the Detonator 44.03 beta release: Detonator 44.03 Windows 2000 and XP support Fast drivers ...
This is probably the moment many of you have been waiting for. Warp2Search have just found the first installment of Nvidia Detonator video driver version 50.06. This is the first release of the new 50.xx...
WE HEARD WHILE we were on our holiday in Cannes, at our own and the INQ's expense, may we add, that Nvidia is planning to introduce a new driver that will increase performance in certain...
Another beta release of Nvidia's detonators has found its way onto the internet. These drivers released from PNY show how close we are to getting WHQL ones from Nvidia soon. Windows...
Its taken a while for nVIDIA to come up with anything other than its 41.09 WHQL Candidate released way back in December of 2002. Well betas.intercom have let me know that FileForum have posted newer...
here's a new set of Nvidia Detonator drivers: An anonymous person just submitted Detonator drivers 42.70 for Windows 2000/XP to All nVidia cards are supported (NV3x support is new/added). Drivers are English only and...
Hi all. The guys over at Tweakers Asylum have updated their detonator drivers database. This time with data for the 42.01, 41.09, and 40.72 WHQL sets, as well as the newly discovered 32.20s. This...
Nvidia has released yet another set of drivers. This time it's Detonator 41.09. Details: OS: Windows XP / 2000Version: 41.09File Size: 16.3 MBRelease Date: December 3, 2002WHQL Candidate Download:... has found another 41.xx Detonator release. This one, time stamped from October 25th, for Windows 2000 and XP is WHQL certified and comes in a multilanguage flavor. Supported Cards: NVIDIA GeForce4 MX...
Thanks Hilbert for this.. I'm happy to report that we've finished up version 1.2 of Detonator Destroyer. Detonator Destroyer is the only tool that completely removes detonator drivers from your Windows 95 (All versions), Windows98,...
With the release of the all new Detonator 40-series many user experience tv-output problems with it. We worked on that issue and discovered the reason. There are 3 different solutions to solve this problem. ...
Thanks DigitalDJ...These are the drivers for the nVIDIA Detonator graphics cards for use with Windows 9x/Me. Changes In Current Version: Up to a 25% increase in performance nView™ 2.0 multi-display...
Thanks Jason...Whilst digging around over at nVIDIA look what turned up? And about time, I hear you all scream. Nvidia has released the latest Detonator 4 Driver v40.72 driver for W2K/XP. The...
Thankz @dek! for Fileconnect! I found the nVidia Detonator 31.40 whql drivers for Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP. Note that these are not supported by nVidia!! - GeForce4 Ti 4600 ...
Tweakers Asylum have just finished updating our Windows 9x/ME Detonator Driver Performance Database with several new detonators including the new 40.xxs! Here are some details... "The Windows 9x/ME NVIDIA Detonator Driver Database...
Thanks Warp2search for the heads up on these new drivers. Nvidia have also released some new 3D Stereo Driver Control Panels version 30.87 for Windows9x/ME and 2000/XP. Theres no word on WHQL, Performance...
For those that care or even dare to use NT4 we now have the latest Beta nVidia Detonators for you. Files dated September 8th, 2002 | Readme.txt September 7th, 2002Generic driver release - all Nvidia...
Warp2Search have got their hands on a new set of leaked (shock horror! Mass hysteria! *sarcasm*) Nvidia Detonator Drivers 40.52 for Windows 9x & 2000/XP. All Nvidia cards including AGP 8x versions will work. Also...
Warp2Search have just posted 30.20 nVidia beta detonator driver for Windows 2000 and XP. Whats changed: Driver dated 06/09/02 - 9th of June 2002 All Nvidia cards to date are supported nView support...
Folks, looks like today you're going to have a new version of Detonator to play with. This time, it's Detonator 30.82 WHQL FINAL. I would like to thank the following people for emailing us: Yew...
Dave, the resident Tweakers Asylum Detonator Driver guy has taken an in depth look at the Omega Detonator Drivers and what exactly makes them tick. Here are a few details: "This write-up...
Tweakers Asylum has just finished updating theirr Windows XP Detonator Driver Performance Database with three new Detonators. The 29.60, 29.80, and the latest 30.30 Detonators have now been added to list! "The Windows...
There is a new Detonator version 30.30 leaked on the web for all Windows Operating Systems. Could this be Detonator 5? These drivers are dated: 06/14/2002. No Word on whats new/fixed or performance. ...
The Tweakers Asylum has just finished uploading their latest update to the Windows 9x/ME NVIDIA Detonator Driver Performance Database! This time they have added performance data from the 28.90, 29.20, 29.41, 29.42, and 29.80 Detonators......
we have now had time to test the performance on the 30.20 "buggette" we reported here last week. Nvidia really got its skates on on this one and sent us an updated driver...
Thanks Dazog for the quick heads up. Today, Nvidia released its latest WHQL certified Detonator, Detonator 29.42. The release highlights are: WHQL CertifiedGeForce4 Ti 4200 supportFull Acceleration and support for the GeForce4 and Quadro4 familiesnView™...
After my post a while ago on the 30x det 5's it looks like Warp2search has got hold of some more info. While visiting eVGA forum site, Mark Fox pointed me to a...
nVIDIA will soon introduce the driver that we all been waiting for - the New Detonator, 32.xx Something is going to finally make some performance difference and improve one of the things that we all...
HP have released a new detonator driver for Windows 2000 and XP. Despite its version number only being 29.17 (latest driver available is 29.40), it is in fact a newer driver by date. ...
Thanks byte from our BPN Forum Warp2Search has posted some new Nvidia Detonator beta drivers for Windows 9x/ME and 2000/XP. These are standard generic reference drivers so all the cards are supported in...