Canonical will be ending updates for Ubuntu 21.04 on January 20. This gives you a week to upgrade your systems to Ubuntu 21.10 before they become unsafe to use and vulnerable to malware.
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Canonical has released Ubuntu 21.10 with the Linux 5.13 kernel and GNOME 40. Firefox is now packaged as a snap that's managed directly by Mozilla and Canonical so updates should arrive quicker.
Testing of Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2) on Windows 11 shows competitive performance against Ubuntu 21.10 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. But, it also loses by a lot under certain scenarios.
Ubuntu's upcoming 21.10 distro is far ahead of Windows 10 and 11 in performance in some of the applications as per a report. The performance is especially impressive in CPUs-intense workloads.