Gordon Moore's prediction that the number of transistors on one chip would double every two years has resulted in more powerful and cheaper personal computers over the last several decades.
Intel pentium RSS
On March 22, 1993, Intel launched the first version of its Pentium processor. In time, the PC chip would become one of the biggest forces behind the rise of the PC and the Internet in the 1990s.
A developer managed to run Windows 7 on a PC with a 5Mhz Pentium CPU, which is 200 times lower than the official requirement. However, it needed loads of tweaks and tinkerings to make it possible.
Intel is officially going to kill the Pentium and Celeron brandings 30 years after the former was first introduced. The company said its mobile SKUs will lose this branding next year.
NTDev, a Windows enthusiast, decided to test what would happen if you try to run Windows XP on a CPU 233 times slower than the minimum spec. Behold, Windows XP on a 1MHz Pentium processor.