Access management solutions provider Okta recently had its GitHub source code repositories hacked. The company assures the public that no customer data was stolen, and Okta remains operational.
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The City of London Police has arrested two teenagers and charged them with several crimes. They are suspected to be members of the hacking group Lapsus$ which has carried out several hacks.
A prominent member of the Lapsus$ hacking group has supposedly been identified as a 16-year-old boy; seven of the group's members have also been arrested by the City of London Police.
Microsoft's DevOps accounts have allegedly been breached by the same hacker group responsible for hacking Samsung, and threatening to dump Vodafone proprietary data earlier this year.
The hacking group Lapsus$ is threatening to dump Vodafone source code online in a couple of days. Vodafone has said that it's aware of the threat from the group and that it's investigating.