The Internet Security Research Group has begun a project to rewrite httpd components in Rust to address memory safety issues that currently affect httpd. A new TLS module will be made first.
Lets encrypt RSS
Let's Encrypt has announced that from September 1, 2021, its existing root certificate will expire. This will cause significant issues for people using Android version below 7.1.1.
Some Let's Encrypt users have to renew their certificates after a CAA rechecking bug was discovered. Let's Encrypt will start revoking affected certificates beginning 00:00 UTC March 4.
Let's Encrypt has announced a new feature called multi-perspective domain validation. This measure will help prevent network attacks that will ultimately result in a more secure browsing experience.
Google has announced the availability of .page top-level domains. The firm has opened an Early Access Program but for an extra fee you can buy a domain right now from one of Google's partners.
Let's Encrypt root certificates are now trusted by major root programmes including those run by tech giants including Microsoft, Google, and Apple. Let's Encrypt will continue using cross-signatures.
Let's Encrypt has now secured over 100 million websites world wide. Let's Encrypt aims to make it easy for site admins to switch HTTPS on to give end users more security over their data.
Google has announced that starting with Chrome 68, all HTTP websites will be clearly marked as "not secure". Google has incrementally been marking more and more pages as insecure since 2016.
Google has released a transparency report about Chrome traffic and how much of it is encrypted. It reveals that while Chrome for Android has the least amount encrypted, it's also the fastest growing.
Let's Encrypt has announced that wildcards will be introduced from January 2018. The announcement was made this early because it needs to raise money in the summer fundraiser to pay for development.
The automatic certificate authority, Let's Encrypt, has passed a huge milestone of issuing 100 million certificates. It said 58% of the internet is using HTTPS and that it's proud to have contributed.
Let's Encrypt has passed yet another milestone in under five months since it launched. The project has now issued 10 million certificates in total, with about 5.3 million of them still unexpired.
The Let's Encrypt project reports that it has now issued over 5 million certificates. The Let's Encrypt project wants site owners to be able to deploy HTTPS more easily, for a secure internet.
Let's Encrypt, the project aimed at securing connections to websites, has hit the three million mark with regards to the number of issued certificates. It left its beta phase less than a month ago.
Let's Encrypt has left its public beta phase, signalling that it's stable and ready for production use. The project also gained a new Gold sponsor, and several Silver and Platinum sponsor renewals., the paid side of WordPress, has started to utilize the Let's Encrypt project to enable HTTPS for all of the websites with custom domains that are hosted on the service.
Trend Micro has detected a malvertising campaign against web users in Japan. It turns out that the ads were using a certificate issued by Let's Encrypt. The ads led to sites which would infect PCs.
The self-issuing certificate authority, Let's Encrypt, has entered a Public Beta phase. In this phase, anyone can issue a certificate for their site. Facebook also became a gold sponsor of the CA.