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The RIAA is asking for additional cooperation from ISPs in getting customers targeted by the RIAA's file-sharing sting to cooperate, according to a letter recently leaked to P2P attorney Ray Beckerman. In it, the RIAA...

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The SCO Group plans to announce Monday that it is escalating its campaign to collect license fees from corporations using the Linux operating system, with warning letters to the companies. Supporters of Linux, including IBM...

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Continuing its war of words against the Linux community, The SCO Group Inc. on Wednesday accused free software advocates of threatening the intellectual property protections provided by U.S. and European law. "There is a group...

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Microsoft has received a mixed response from resellers after it signalled a toughened stance on licence compliance in a controversial letter sent to its partners. The software giant has been criticised as...

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Microsoft is hatching plans for a new Exchange Server e-mail system, with improved security, a facelift for Outlook, and better support for cell phones and other handhelds. Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer...

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