Linus Torvalds feels like the microarchitectural levels in AMD and Intel's CPUs are based on a "completely broken model" that "needs to die."
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Linus Torvalds has explained why he's so "fed up with" Intel, AMD, Nvidia, and other such vendors due to their "buggy hardware".
Linux 6.12 is due out next month, and this weekend, we got the fourth release candidate. Linus Torvalds, head of the Linux project, said this update didn't give him "the warm and fuzzies."
AMD and Intel has announced today the formation of the new x86 ecosystem advisory group to improvement the overall x86 architecture and product ecosystem.
In a recent mailing list update, Linus Torvalds expressed frustration over passive voice in commit messages, urging developers to adopt a more active and clear communication style.
Microsoft employee Wedson Almeida Filho has stepped down from being head of the Rust for Linux project citing a lack of enthusiasm to defend the team's work from constant push back.
Microsoft is improving Hyper-V support in the upcoming Linux kernel version 6.6 so that both AMD and Intel processors will benefit. The upgrade mainly pertains to improved guest support.
On August 25, 1991, 21-year old programmer Linus Torvalds posted an announcement on a newsgroup that he was working on a new and free PC operating system. That OS would later be named Linux
AMD's fTPM had been causing stuttering and freezing issues first on Windows, and then on Linux too. As such, Linux boss Linus Torvalds has now suggested disabling fTPM entirely on Ryzen.
The Linux kernel could drop support for i486 processors in the near future. Linus Torvalds floated the idea, suggesting that the work that goes into maintaining support for i486 just isn't worth it.
Linus Torvalds, the head of Linux, is super-pleased with how smoothly things have gone so far for Linux kernel 5.18 for stuff like adding features and launching new release candidates.
The move does not mean there is an effort to rewrite any existing kernel source in Rust, but if new kernel development trends in this direction, we could be looking at a wildly different codebase.
Linus Torvalds is not at all a fan of GitHub merges as he revealed recently in a response to a pull request. Torvalds thinks GitHub is mostly "fine", "but merges is not one of those things".
Linus Torvalds went hard at a poster in a Linux kernel maintenance thread asking them to "SHUT THE HELL UP" when the person started propagating conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 vaccination.
Greg Kroah-Hartman, the temporary head of the Linux project, has released version 4.19 of the Linux kernel. While the cycle hasn't seen the most commits ever, it did introduce the new code of conduct.
Linus Torvalds has decided to step back from maintaining the Linux kernel, albeit temporarily. He cited his behaviour for the break and now plans to seek assistance to help with his professionalism.
The creator of the open-source Linux operating system did not mince words when passing judgement on the Meltdown and Spectre patches being rolled out by Intel, calling them garbage.
Intel has been getting battered from all sides because of the Meltdown and Spectre flaws found in its chips. While other chip designs face the same Spectre issues, Torvalds chose to target Intel.
A flaw has been uncovered in the Linux kernel that lets hackers easily take control of affected devices. The flaw, called Dirty COW has been around since 2007, but only now is being exploited.
After a four-month effort by the Linux team, the latest kernel has finally been released after seven Release Candidate versions. One of the more noticeable updates includes support for the AMD RX480.
While work is well and truly underway to help Linux overcome the 'Year 2038 problem', Torvalds has shot down a slew of patches targeting its virtual filesystem switch kernel interface.
While Linux has dominated smartphones, tablet and servers, it has struggled to replicate that success on the desktop prompting an upbeat Torvalds to admit that he is "still working on it".
The Linux Foundation has announced that Valve has officially joined its organization as part of Valve's push for its Linux based SteamOS and its Steam Machines launch in 2014.
Linux creator Linus Torvalds doesn't seem to care for any plans that would add Microsoft-signed binary keys to a Linux kernel in a "secure boot" state, calling such a plan "f******* moronic."
In a recently posted video, Linux creator Linus Torvalds tells NVIDIA, "F*** you" when asked in a Q&A about the company's decision to not support the Linux operating system for Optimus.
Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux OS, has offered some opinions on Windows 8 and its UEFI security measures, saying that a solution to dual boot to Linux via Red Hat is a good compromise.
Yesterday has seen Linus Torvalds, the founder and chief architect of the Linux kernel, approve the next step of the Linux kernel – Linux 3.0-rc1. The debate has been raging in the Linux community for...
Linus Torvalds, the father of the Linux Kernel gave Windows 7 the thumbs up in Japan yesterday. Torvalds was in town for the Japan Linux Symposium exhibition and Microsoft reportedly setup a big promotion...