With today's highlighted deal, you can access a virtually unlimited number of books, audiobooks, magazines and more anywhere with a six, or twelve month subscription and save in the process!
Magazines RSS
Apple has announced that it is ending support for the Texture magazine reading app on Windows from June 30th. After that date, the app will stop working and it'll be removed from the Microsoft Store.
Apple has bought the subscription-based digital magazine service, Texture. Users of the app can pay a $9.99 monthly fee and gain unlimited access to many popular magazines such as Time and Forbes.
A new listing on the Microsoft Careers website shows that the company is hiring for people to work on an upcoming Windows "groundbreaking interactive reading app" for books, magazines and comics.
Technology companies increased their magazine ad spending by 21.6 percent in the first quarter of 2013 and a lot of it was due to Microsoft's Windows 8 marketing campaign.
Noel Goodman subscribes to three video game magazines, but he wants information faster than the magazines can reach his mailbox. "I can find out on the Internet information that won't be in magazines for another...