DOTA 2 just received another major update that reworks many of its map mechanics, heroes, items, and much more. Check out the details here.
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The next multiplayer game coming from Bungie and Sony is reportedly a MOBA experience akin to League of Legends or DOTA. It's said to be aimed at younger audiences, though.
DOTA 2 update 7.36 has delivered drastic changes to the popular MOBA by Valve. This includes giving brand-new Innate and choice-based abilities for all 100+ heroes to shake up the playing field.
Another massive ban wave has hit DOTA 2 players using smurf accounts to abuse matchmaking. Valve says not even professional players are exempt from punishments for smurfing and toxic behavior.
Valve has swung the ban hammer on smurf accounts in its hugely popular MOBA title Dota 2. 90,000 alternate accounts have been banned already, with warnings being given to main account holders.
Valve is making major changes to the update structure of its popular MOBA Dota 2. It is moving developer resources away from Battle Passes to focus on free game updates for everyone.
Valve has made massive changes to DOTA 2 as part of the New Frontier update, bringing a 40% larger map, a new matchmaking algorithm, new hero attribute type, major reworks, and so much more.
Valve is planning to remove support for a number of aging configurations in Dota 2, including 32-bit systems, DirectX 9, and OpenGL. The changes will roll out in the coming months.
Netflix and Valve are collaborating on a fantasy anime series that will explore the universe of the popular MOBA Dota 2. DOTA: Dragon's Blood will tell the tale of Dragon Knight from the game.
Heroes of the Storm is losing a part of its development team as Blizzard is putting its focus on other games. The MOBA's upcoming esports plans have been outright canceled as well.
After an agonizing, two-year closed beta period, Gigantic, the free-to-play strategic hero shooter has finally launched and it's available on a plethora of platforms including Windows 10 and Xbox One.
Nearly two years after the commencement of its closed beta, Gigantic will finally see its full public release towards the end of next month via the Windows Store, Xbox Store, and Steam.
Awesomenauts received its 4.0 update today, adding a new progression system, new customization options, and more. The update arrives to ready the game for its free-to-play transition arriving in May.
Heroes of the Storm received its much anticipated 2.0 update today, adding new and easier methods of unlocking heroes, a Loot Chest system, Genji from Overwatch as a hero and more.
In an effort to crack down on smurf accounts, Valve is enforcing a new requirement for Ranked Matchmaking. Accounts without a linked phone number will soon be restricted from using this system.
After a long wait Blizzard's MOBA is finally getting a firm launch date, as Heroes of the Storm will launch on June 2nd after an open beta period, starting on the 20th of May.