The latest data for desktop usage share shows that Windows 8 has gained during the last month while XP has lost nearly one percent, but Windows 7 still remains dominant.
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Net Applications' PC OS numbers for April reveal Windows XP's market share dropped by 1.4 percent compared to March but it is still installed on over a quarter of all PCs worldwide.
The latest numbers from Net Applications for web browser market share in March 2014 show that Google's Chrome edged out Mozilla's Firefox for second place, while Internet Explorer remains on top.
The March 2014 data from Net Applications shows that worldwide, Windows XP is still being used by 27.69 percent of all PCs, just a week before Microsoft releases the last public patch for the OS.
The 12-year old Windows XP increased its market share again in February, according to the latest operating system data from Net Applications, which also shows Windows 8.1 adoption is stalling.
Windows XP actually increased its market share in January, according to Net Applications, and Windows 8 users are apparently not upgrading to Windows 8.1 very quickly.
Chrome 31, the latest version of Google's web browser, has unexpectedly jumped ahead of Microsoft's IE10 in the latest market share data from Net Applications for December 2013.
Windows XP's share of the OS market dropped several percent in the last month, according to December's numbers from Net Applications, while Windows 8.1 went ahead of Windows Vista.
Windows XP's share of the OS market has been nearly the same in the last three months, according to November's numbers from Net Applications, while combined number for Windows 8 and 8.1 rose slightly.
Net Applications' latest numbers for web browser use in October shows that Internet Explorer gained some market share, as did Firefox, but Chrome dipped down to its lowest share in over two years.
Windows XP's share of its worldwide OS market share only went down slightly in October 2013, according to Net Applications, while Windows 8.1's share went up slowly in its official debut month.
The debate on whether Chrome or IE is the most used web browser continues, thanks to new data from rival research firms StatCounter and Net Applications.
Windows XP lost over three percent of the worldwide OS market share in August 2013, according to Net Applications, which may show more users are finally abandoning the 12 year old operating system.
The latest numbers from Net Applications show that Windows XP still holds onto 37.19 percent of the worldwide desktop OS market share, eight months before it loses its support.
The latest PC web browser market share numbers from Net Applications for June 2013 show that Internet Explorer 10 is now being used more than IE9 for the first time, but is still well below IE8.
New data from Net Applications shows that Microsoft's Internet Explorer 10 gained market share in May going up to 9.26 percent, while IE's overall share went up slightly.
Net Applications's newly updated worldwide operating system market share data for May 2013 shows that Windows 8 went up slightly to 4.27 percent and Windows 7 also went up to 44.85 percent.
Net Applications's newly updated worldwide operating system market share data for April 2013 shows that Windows 8 went up slightly to 3.84 percent while the share held by Windows XP keeps going down.
While the market share of Internet Explorer 6 remains low in many Western countries, China's huge share of 25.8% presents a thorn in the sides of Microsoft's effort to rid the word of the browser
Net Applications's newly updated world wide operating system market share data for March 2013 shows that Windows 8 went up slightly to 3.31 percent.
Internet Explorer market share has risen 0.37% for the month of January to 55.14%, while Firefox and Opera also saw gains at the expense of Chrome's market share, which dropped by 0.56%
For the first time since the launch of the OS, Windows 7 market share has dropped in the month of January. Net Applications also reports Windows 8 growth, with the newest OS sitting on a 2.36% share
The latest information from Net Applications shows that the PC operating system market share for Windows 8 has now jumped ahead of all Mac OS systems worldwide for the week of Jan. 20th.
New data from Net Applications shows that Windows 8 has increased its PC operating system market share to 2.25 percent for the week of January 16th, gaining ground compared to December 2012.
New data from Net Applications claims that Windows 8 is now running on a total of 1.09 percent of the world's PCs just over a month after its official launch, with Windows 7 still in first place.
New data from Net Applications shows that Windows 7 increased its PC OS market share in October, while Windows 8 went up slightly due to its launch in later October.
StatCounter and Net Applications still can't agree if Google's Chrome web browser is indeed ahead of Microsoft's Internet Explorer in web browser market share.
The newest operating system market share results from Net Applications shows Windows 7 gaining even more ground even as the launch of Windows 8 nears later in October.
The latest data from Net Applications shows that Windows XP is still the world's most used PC operating system but that Windows 7 is getting close to surpassing it.
New data from StatCounter claims that Windows 7 is now installed on 50.2 percent of all PCs worldwide, but Net Applications still shows Windows XP with a slight lead.
StatCounter posted up a recent blog entry which went into heavy detail about how how it feels its web browser statistics are better than Net Applications, which are favored by Microsoft for IE stats.
Microsoft has announced that more users are choosing Internet Explorer 9 as their main web browser for the Windows 7 OS, according to data from Net Applications.
Interpreting browser marketshare is more complex than what meets the eye. With scraping of data, filtering, and distributing all having the ability to skew the results, it's time to get informed.
StatCounter is disputing Microsoft's recent Internet Explorer post where it says it prefers Net Applications' stats method, with StatsCounter calling Microsoft's article "somewhat one-sided."
In a new blog post, Microsoft has confirmed that it prefers the techniques that Net Applications uses to track web browser market share over its rival StatCounter.
Usage of Microsoft's Internet Explorer has continued to grow, albeit slowly, since April, with Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome suffering market share falls in July. Monthly information released today by Net Applications shows Internet Explorer increased...