The U.K. government is set to begin trials for its new privacy-friendly contact tracing app. The test will happen on the Isle of Wight and will shortly expand to the London borough of Newham.
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The United Kingdom is going to switch to the decentralised model for its contact tracing app. It comes after months of insistence that the centralised app would be better suited for the job.
The UK government is reportedly investigating the consequences of switching to the decentralised model for its contact tracing app. The current app has difficulty working out distance using Bluetooth.
NHSX has now made the source code for its contact tracing app open source on GitHub. This will allow security researchers to look for bugs and those concerned about privacy to learn how the app works.
The NHS has shown off some screenshots of the upcoming NHS contact tracing app before it's deployed for further testing on the Isle of Wight. The rest of the UK can download it from mid-May.
The NHS has outlined how it's ensuring that its contact tracing app is transparent, secure, and usable. It said an assurance board containing experts was set up to ensure the app stays within bounds.