Blizzard Entertainment has confirmed that the MMORPG World of Warcraft will be featured in one of the episodes. The episode is due to air on Comedy Central at 10pm on October 4th, and follows the...
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Mozilla has just posted the first of their Firefox 1.1 preview releases, intended to give developers and open-source enthusiasts a chance to get their feet wet with the upcoming "trunk-based" release. Firefox 1.1 will take...
Unless you're not a gamer, you already know about the Gameboy Advance, and it's stylish new variant, the GBA SP. However, unless you're a hardcore fan of portable systems, you may not have heard much...
Microsoft Corp. today announced that Linkin Park is slated to be the first music promotional partner for the popular Microsoft® Xbox(TM) video game system. Kicking off the partnership with the band's first Projekt: Revolution tour,...