Stay ahead of constantly emerging threats and advance your career as an it professional with 10 in-depth courses on pen testing, ethical hacking, and cybersecurity. Temporarily Price Dropped!
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With today's highlighted deal, you can become a cybersecurity superhero with 60+ hours of training from Ethical Hacking professionals. This bundle is not only cheap, it includes certification!
You know you must probe your networks, systems apps, and web assets to uncover weaknesses before the bad guys do. But what's the best way? This free to download eGuide addresses it.

Penetration Testing Essentials eBook by Wiley, normally $27 now free to claim till March 15
Your pen testing career begins here with Wiley, and a solid foundation in essential skills and concepts. Or, at least it can, if you claim this free eBook before the end of day on Friday March 15.