Following the early success of its user choice billing pilot for the Google Play Store, Google has decided to expand the program to more countries. Spotify is rolling out its implementation today too.
Pilot RSS
Chinese citizens living in Guangzhou will be given the option to make their national ID cards digital. The pilot programme started on Monday and will be rolled out over the coming year.
Struggling to communicate with your foreign friends? A US company could have just provided the answer with the Pilot, an earpiece and app which translates spoken languages in real time.
Tired of spam flooding your inbox? Join our pilot project to help stop spam. Try Trend Micro™ Anti-Spam Pilot—free for Microsoft™ Outlook users. Key Features Trend Micro Anti-Spam is designed...
Microsoft's plan to pilot test an Office 2007 referral payment program with a limited number of large system builders has some smaller partners miffed. The Referral Payment Pilot Program for Office Ready, which begins Jan....
A word processor that creates PDF documents. You can type text, build tables, add images and then save your document as PDF. PDF Pilot comes with a spell checker and offers other features that PDF...
Taiwan based Powerchip Semiconductor Corporation (PSC) is set to start pilot runs of 512Mbit DDR2 production in the second quarter of 2004, with technology support from Japan-based Elpida Memory, according to sources. The DDR2 production...
Southern Electric claims it has received a "good amount of interest" in its commercial trial of broadband through three-pin electrical sockets in Winchester. Details of the trial were formally announced at the end of April....