Apple appears to have quietly dropped support for its QuickTime for Windows program with security analysts saying users are exposed to two known vulnerabilities.
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A powerful multimedia technology with a built-in media player, QuickTime lets you view Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media in a wide range of file formats.
A powerful multimedia technology with a built-in media player, QuickTime lets you view Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media in a wide range of file formats.
A powerful multimedia technology with a built-in media player, QuickTime lets you view Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media in a wide range of file formats.
A powerful multimedia technology with a built-in media player, QuickTime lets you view Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media in a wide range of file formats.
A powerful multimedia technology with a built-in media player, QuickTime lets you view Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media in a wide range of file formats.
A powerful multimedia technology with a built-in media player, QuickTime lets you view Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media in a wide range of file formats.
A powerful multimedia technology with a built-in media player, QuickTime lets you view Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media in a wide range of file formats.
Final Cut Pro X, the much-anticipated overhaul of Apple's professional video editing package, made its debut on the App Store earlier today. Companions Motion 5 and Compressor 4 were also released, retailing for $50 each. Apple...
A prominent figure in the computing world made headlines last year for his thoughts on Flash. Simply, "Flash is evil." Of course, Flash either ran poorly on his company's products, or was completely unsupported on...
Apple has released a QuickTime update for Windows users that reportedly patches a vulnerability that could have left users open to remote code execution attacks. QuickTime, Apple software which allows users to "watch Internet video, HD...
Apple's love-it-or-hate-it iTunes media player has today been updated to version 8.2, preceding the release of the iPhone OS 3.0. The software, available on both Mac OS X and Windows, has not has an extensive...
It appears that Quicktime X will have built in support for YouTube judging by a screenshot discovered by Apple Insider. According to Apple Insider, "The application will let users take any supported video...
Apple has added several security fixes into the latest versions of iTunes and QuickTime. The company has issued a pair of postings outlining nine security fixes in QuickTime 7.5.5 and two in the new iTunes...
Apple Inc. patched QuickTime late Wednesday to fix 11 flaws in the Mac and Windows versions of the media player. All but two of the bugs could be used by hackers to hijack users' machines....
QuickTime is software that allows Mac and Windows users to play back audio and video on their computers. QuickTime 7 Player takes advantage of the latest video compression technology. It's called H.264, and it's an...
With Windows Media® for QuickTime, by Flip4Mac™, you can play Windows Media files (.wma and .wmv) directly in QuickTime Player and view Windows Media content on the Internet using a Web browser. Optimized for High-Definition...
Security researchers Dino Dai Zovi and Charlie Miller have found a way to exploit an unpatched QuickTime vulnerability to steal Linden Dollars from users in the Second Life virtual world. Dai Zovi (the hacker behind...
A US-based security researcher has published a single piece of code that can remotely compromise both PCs and Macs as long as they are running Apple's QuickTime media player. The exploit is at least the...
Security researchers are warning that exploit code has been published that can take advantage of an extremely critical security flaw in a protocol supported by Apple QuickTime. Apple QuickTime versions 7.2 and 7.3 on Windows...
Apple has patched seven vulnerabilities in the latest version of QuickTime affecting the Windows and MacOS X versions of the media player software. Each of the vulnerabilities affects users of MacOS 10.3.9, 10.4.9 and 10.5...
QuickTime is software that allows Mac and Windows users to play back audio and video on their computers. QuickTime 7 Player takes advantage of the latest video compression technology. It's called H.264, and it's an...
Apple has patched a flaw in QuickTime that could allow for remote attacks. The fix addresses a vulnerability in the Windows Vista and XP versions of QuickTime, which is commonly installed as a browser plug-in...
A year-old bug in QuickTime that, when paired with Firefox allows, hackers to hijack PCs and Macs now has Mozilla Corp. scrambling for a fix, the company's chief security officer said Wednesday. According to Petko...
QuickTime is software that allows Mac and Windows users to play back audio and video on their computers. QuickTime 7 Player takes advantage of the latest video compression technology. It's called H.264, and it's an...
Apple has released a security update for QuickTime 7.1.6, fixing two issues in the way the media player works on the Java platform. The most serious of these problems could give criminals a way of...
Danish vulnerability tracker Secunia ApS has concluded that Apple Incorporated's QuickTime is three times more likely to pose a threat than Microsoft Corporation's Internet Explorer 6 and six times more likely to be a threat...
Apple has issued a security patch for its QuickTime application nearly 11 days after the disclosure of a highly-publicised vulnerability. The vulnerability occurs in the way QuickTime handles JavaScript code. An attacker could...
The QuickTime bug revealed at CanSecWest last week turns out to affect everything that's Java-enabled and that has QuickTime installed, including IE 6 and IE 7 on Vista, browsers that were originally thought to be...
Apple has released a new version of its QuickTime software, partly to repair eight serious security vulnerabilities. Apple confirmed that the vulnerabilities make both Macs and Windows PCs susceptible to malicious files which, when opened...
QuickTime is software that allows Mac and Windows users to play back audio and video on their computers. QuickTime 7 Player takes advantage of the latest video compression technology. It's called H.264, and it's an...
Apple has patched a vulnerability in its QuickTime media player that Danish security vendor Secunia labeled as 'critical' because of the risk involving a hacker gaining control over a given computer. A buffer overflow can...
An easy-to-exploit security vulnerability in Apple Computer's QuickTime media player could put millions of Macintosh and Windows users at risk of code execution attacks. The QuickTime flaw kicked off the Month of Apple Bugs project,...
Serious flaws in Mac OS X and QuickTime software could put Macintosh and Windows systems at risk of cyber attack, Apple has warned. In a pair of security alerts released on Thursday, Apple outlined 31...
QuickTime is a multimedia technology developed by Apple Computer, capable of handling various formats of digital video, sound, text, animation,music, and immersive virtual reality panoramic images. QuickTime 7offers a step into the next generation with...
*Thanks Radish for the heads up!* Earlier today, Apple released in conjunction with QuickTime 7.1 patch as well as a FrontRow 1.2.2 update, a new security patch addressing several issues in the core areas...
QuickTime is cutting-edge digital media software for both Mac and Windows-based computers delivering unparalleled quality for creating, playing and streaming audio and video content over the Internet. Besides playing MPEG-4 and...
With Windows Media® for QuickTime, by Flip4Mac™, you can play Windows Media files (.wma and .wmv) directly in QuickTime Player and view Windows Media content on the Internet using a Web browser. Optimized...
QuickTime is a multimedia technology developed by Apple Computer, capable of handling various formats of digital video, sound, text, animation, music, and immersive virtual reality panoramic images. QuickTime 7 offers a step into the next...
Apple has released Quicktime Player 7 (Final) for Windows Advanced video with pristine quality Amazingly responsive live player resize Up to 24 channels of Surround Sound All new playback controls H.264...