Linus Torvalds feels like the microarchitectural levels in AMD and Intel's CPUs are based on a "completely broken model" that "needs to die."
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The RHEL AI platform features Granite LLM models and aims to enhance generative AI's accessibility for enterprise IT.
Red Hat has announced the RHEL 7 will gain four years of extended support as organizations are saying they need more time to upgrade. Organizations are grappling with the shift to work from home.
Learn how Red Hat and Micro Strategies, together deliver a full hybrid cloud enterprise solution that can be used across IT departments. Reduce Costs & Deliver More Business Value with IT Automation.
Google's Project Zero security team has publicly disclosed multiple flaws in certain Linux kernels and distros following Red Hat's inability to fix them within the 90-day deadline assigned by Google.
Red Hat has announced the availability of RHEL 9.1. It brings several improvements such as native Firefox support on Wayland sessions, as well as lots of updated packages for admins and developers.
Explore how Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform can help your organization solve more enterprise IT challenges across your hybrid cloud infrastructure. Download the free guide today.
The latest collaboration between Samsung and Red Hat for next-generation memory software will also see the launch of the platform, Samsung Memory Research Cloud (SMRC) in the second half of 2022.
This benchmark report from TM Forum provides an in-depth look at the current state of edge computing, with insight into the process of building infrastructure and services. Get it now for free.
Know your way around networks and client-server systems with 113+ hours of content on Linux — the basics, techniques, command line, shell scripting, and more with this discounted certification.
LibreOffice 7.3, which is due out in February, will come with support for Klingon and Interslavic. The two languages are considered constructed languages and were added by a Red Hat employee.
This e-book from Red Hat discusses new approaches and considerations for protecting your business in the hybrid cloud. Claim this free download to learn more, before the offer expires.
This eBook provides an introductory overview to Kubernetes clusters, trends in modern cloud computing, the challenges of managing Kubernetes clusters, and best practices for addressing them.
Red Hat Services Solution: Hybrid and Multicloud can help you plan and implement a hybrid and multicloud strategy faster and more easily, with an emphasis on organizational success.
Red Hat has expanded its Red Hat Learning Subscription service to include a premium tier. Premium will cost $8,000 and is so far only available to customers based inside the United States.
Sigstore is a new Linux Foundation project described as "Let's Encrypt for Code Signing". The tool is developed by Google, Red Hat, and Smallstep, and is designed to offer better provenance for code.
Fedora 31 is set to reach its end of life next Tuesday. People that are still running this old version of Fedora are strongly urged to upgrade their system before they stop receiving security updates.
IBM and Red Hat are among firms pushing for more inclusion in the software industry. The Inclusive Naming Initiative will look at terms like blacklist and whitelist and suggest alternatives.
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Co-engineered with Red Hat, Azure Red Hat OpenShift brings the industry's leading Kubernetes platform on Microsoft Azure. It is jointly operated and supported by the two companies.
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Master one of the most important pieces of software code in the world today with 110+ hours of content on Linux OS, concepts, processes and more. Save almost $3,500 off the cost today!
Lenovo today announced that it's going to be certifying its ThinkPad and ThinkStation workstation portfolio to run either Ubuntu or Red Hat Linux, so you can move to Linux without issue.
Mozilla, Intel, Red Hat, and Fastly have announced the co-founding of the Bytecode Alliance, which aims to create new software foundations based on WebAssembly and WebAssembly System Interface.
Red Hat has announced the availability of RHEL 8.1. The new point release comes six months after the release of RHEL 8 and brings new security measures. The biggest addition is live kernel patching.
During Ignite 2019, Microsoft has unveiled a number of new Azure Monitor capabilites and integrations in addition to a new capacity reservation pricing model for Log Analytics customers.
IBM has announced that its software portfolio is now cloud-native and optimised to run on Red Hat OpenShift. Users will be able to deploy the software via easy-to-install IBM Cloud Paks.
Red Hat Inc. has just released Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, the first major update to the operating system since 2014. Full support for RHEL 8 will be delivered to customers until May 2024.
While Ansible provides more productive drop-in replacements for many core capabilities in other automation solutions, it also seeks to solve other major IT challenges. Get the free White Paper.
Organizations are trying to optimize resources, speed development, and adapt faster to market changes. However, this places an extra burden on IT operations teams. Automation can help.
Red Hat has announced that in the coming weeks it will release Red Hat OpenStack Platform 14. The firm, which recently got bought by IBM, is touting the tighter Kubernetes integration in this update.
The Fedora Project is celebrating 15 years since it launched Fedora Core 1. As a gift to the community, a virtual image has been compiled for use in GNOME Boxes that comes with Fedora 29.
IBM and software company Red Hat have announced an agreement today in which the latter will join IBM's Hybrid Cloud group as part of a $34 billion acquisition which is expected to close in H2 2019.
IT teams are racing to quickly introduce new features and services that delight customers and help employees work smarter. Success hinges on constant innovation, learn how - the Red Hat way.
Red Hat, the open source giant, has purchased CoreOS for $250 million. The five-year-old company, will help Red Hat push even further into the cloud computing space against rivals such as Canonical.
Microsoft and Red Hat are once again collaborating to provide innovative cloud-based solutions to any challenges being faced by the IT industry, by utilizing Azure and the OpenShift platform.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.4 has been released. The update brings several performance and security enhancements as well as bringing updates to Linux containers on RHEL Atomic Host.
A platform-wide update now allows Windows and Linux VMs on Azure to reach networking throughput speeds of up to 25 Gbps, and Accelerated Networking hits GA for Windows, public preview for Linux.
RHEL 5 and derivatives based on this release reached end-of-life in the last few days. Systems running the operating system must be updated to version 6 or 7 to continue getting updates.
The keepers of official time have decided that 2017 will start one second later as a "leap second" gets added to official Atomic Clocks around the world. Cisco, IBM and Red Hat issue advisories.