"Go f*** yourself", is what a rock star told Rockstar after the latter offered to use a song of the band in the upcoming GTA VI.
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The Communications-Electronics Security Group, responsible for assessing devices for use in UK government work, has rejected BlackBerry 10 for failing to meet its security requirements.
Microsoft recently submitted a patent application for pay-per-use computing as previously reported on Neowin; that application has already been rejected by the patent office. A letter was given to Microsoft privately before the...
The embarrassing shareholder class action lawsuit filed by the pensions funds for Detroit policemen and firemen as well as its city workers against Yahoo! spells out not just what it calls a web of cushy...
Back in February of this year, the Public Patent Foundation requested that the U.S. Patent and Trademark office re-examine a patent issued to Forgent Networks for the JPEG picture format; a patent used to obtain...
In a crucial legal loss for Linus Torvalds, Intellectual Property Australia has ruled that the term "Linux" is just too frequently used on the internet and was not distinctive enough to be trademarked. ...
Microsoft's attempt to create a lucrative future revenue stream from its patent portfolio has tripped at the first hurdle. After an appeal, the US Patent Office has struck down Microsoft's '517 patent (USPTO 5,579, 517)...