Just as YouTube is preparing to launch a website redesign with flatter elements and a "dark mode", the company also unveiled some upcoming shows with Hollywood stars and famous artists.
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Apple has finally announced its new TV box. Currently devoid of the company's own streaming service, it aims to attract developers with new SDKs, the App Store, integration with Siri and a new remote.
As promised, Microsoft has now launched MSN Video Player, its latest venture into the video on demand market. MSN Video Player is now available as a free online beta to those in the UK....
Unlike most companies during the recession, Netflix has shown growth with its recent additions to the movie rental company. Netflix grew 26% over the last year with 9,390,000 subscribers at the end of 2008....
Yesterday at the VoiceCon trade show in Amsterdam, before an audience of telecommunication and IT professionals, Microsoft representatives demonstrated the new version of their unified communications package dubbed Office Communications Server 2007 R2, which delivers...
Microsoft is offering the first look at the company's latest .Net and Visual Studio releases. The company has announced the newest versions of both developer tools, known as .Net Framework 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010....
Jensen Harris from the Office 2007 design team gave a very rare presentation at Microsoft's MIX08 event yesterday about not what the Office 2007 Fluent (Ribbon) interface is about, but instead how it came to...
Search isn't just about text anymore. At the Cebit trade show in Germany, Vodafone is demonstrating Otello, a search engine that uses images as input. Instead of entering a word or phrase users send pictures...
BBC Worldwide has struck a deal with iTunes to sell its programming through the popular online shop in the UK. Titles will appear on iTunes after they've had their seven day run on the iPlayer,...
It was only a matter of time.. Not too long after Microsoft had released a developer build of the Windows 7 Milestone 1 release to a select few, review and opinion pieces started to...
HBO, cable’s most popular premium channel, is carefully entering the arena of Internet video. The channel, a subsidiary of Time Warner, will introduce HBO on Broadband starting this week to subscribers in Green Bay and...
Tucked away near the edge of the show was a booth with a rather innovative item. Bug Labs was showing off their BUGbase and BUGmodules. What could be better than building your own...
Musicians of the world are getting a new kind of artistic freedom with technology that eliminates the challenging chore of tuning. "Powertune," a robotics technology developed by German company Tronical Gmbh in partnership with Gibson...
Oh dear! It seems that there are no allies at CNet when it comes to Windows Vista. I can only imagine that their IT department is still firmly attached to Windows XP on all their...
AMD, however, has not given up... not by a longshot. While we all have waited to see the results of their ATi acquisition, today I had the chance to check it out firsthand. ...
Last year, ABC decided to offer free primetime TV content from its website and now, the network will be offering its prime time content on AOL Video, paid for with embedded advertisements. ABC is owned...
Mozilla Corp. has posted mock-ups of Places, one of the most-awaited new features in the upcoming Firefox 3.0., on its Web site. As part of the weekly Firefox 3.0 status update that Mozilla posts to...
NBC Universal, unable to come to an agreement with Apple on pricing, has decided not to renew its contract to sell digital downloads of television shows on iTunes. The media conglomerate — which is the...
The creator of classic computer game "Doom," id Software, unveiled on Friday its eagerly anticipated next game, "Rage," in which players fight an oppressive government in a post-apocalyptic world. The new game will be released...
A three-year study into the possible short-term health effects of mobile base stations has found that base stations are not associated with ill health. Some people have claimed that mobile phone masts cause symptoms like...
At Apple's worldwide developer conference (WWDC) in San Francisco, California, John Carmack, the chief technology officer of id Software, a well-known game developer, has demonstrated the company's new game engine, which, it claims already works...
Randy Allen, corporate vice president for server and workstations at AMD, announced the company is on track to ship its Barcelona quad-core server chip in production volumes sometime around the middle of this year. Server...
The newly announced Simpsons game may be the 22nd title based on the long-running animated Fox sitcom, but in developer Electronic Arts' opinion, you might as well think of it as the first. Simpsons games...
Right after Apple's release of a patch for 25 vulnerabilities in OS X, a hacker managed to break into a Mac by exposing a hole in Apple's browser Safari, winning a $10,000 prize as part...
AMD is pushing a new motherboard format called DTX, which it says will allow system assemblers to build smaller PCs that are quieter and more energy efficient. The DTX spec is intended to bolster the...
Throughout the Black Hat conference hall, laptops babbled incessantly about their users. Errata Security's Robert Graham and David Maynor just sat back and sipped from the data firehose. Except, that is, when they jumped to...
The RIAA is asking for additional cooperation from ISPs in getting customers targeted by the RIAA's file-sharing sting to cooperate, according to a letter recently leaked to P2P attorney Ray Beckerman. In it, the RIAA...
Creative Technology, a maker of digital media players and various multimedia devices, showcased its first audio card for modern PCI Express bus at the Consumer Electronics Show 2007. Specs of the product are unclear, but...
OUR REVIEW of Corsair's Dominator PC-9136C5D modules, caused some enthusiast forums and colleagues to question the results achieved running two very happy and overclockable modules. Indeed, we were surprised to see 2.38V modules running at...
Samsung Electronics has unveiled a 70in LCD (liquid crystal display) panel that it hopes will help boost the competitiveness of LCD technology in the big-screen TV sector. The panel refreshes the picture 120...
Fujitsu has made progress in the development of flexible, paper-thin displays that consume very little power. The company unveiled its latest prototype on Tuesday, a 7.8in panel that can display up to 4,096 colours....
STABILITY WAS the attribute which AMD seemed most keen to project at its recent Dresden press conference. While simultaneously outlining its policy of sticking to the same core, AMD also promised to be only one...
3D displays have been long coming, but the models so far have been fairly small in size and have been fairly unimpressive. However, LG showed of a 32in 3D display at IFA in Berlin which...
Microsoft scientists have some new thoughts when it comes to search ranking and retrieval accuracy. New techniques for analyzing search relevance--the way users browse and click through specific content--can improve the algorithms used to rank...
Episodes of "Friends," the sci-fi epic "Babylon 5," "The Jetsons" and "The Flintstones" are among the latest content from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Group that Apple has recently added to iTunes, its online music and...
MTV are set to join the growing list of TV channels who are now offering their shows for download over Apple's popular music download service, iTunes. Original programs from the channel can now be downloaded...
At TechEd Ben Fathi, the new Vice President of security at Microsoft, and some of his team members highlighted improvements to User Account Control that we can expect to see in the product by...
Microsoft has released a preview version of what willeventually become the flagship search engine for the Redmond Washingtonbased software giant. Windows Live Search is the cornerstone of Microsoft's new"Live" campaign, which aims to unite all...
Apple Computer's iTunes music and video store on Wednesday took its first step toward a monthly subscription model with a new service called Multi-Pass that lets users buy TV shows on a monthly basis, Reuters...