OpenAI has banned several accounts involved in developing surveillance tools allegedly linked to China, which were reportedly targeting Western nations.
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DoNotSpy11 is a free tool which makes it easier to see, tweak and adjust many Windows privacy and telemetry settings.
The British government has directed its departments to remove the deployment of CCTV cameras from government sites that are manufactured by Chinese firms over concerns with security.
The FBI and MI5 have issued a joint statement, sternly calling out China for its interference in other countries through digital means. They have also asked western tech companies to stay vigilant.
Two LAPD police officers were fired from the job in 2017 as available video evidence pointed towards them ignoring a robbery in progress call and instead, going hunting for a Snorlax in Pokémon Go.
Apple is sending warnings to Thai activists about a possibility of state-sponsored attacks which can allow them to remote access sensitive data or get access to communications, camera and microphone.
Apple has decided to sue NSO Group and its parent company for using exploits to spy on Apple users. The number of people targeted by NSO Group was small but they held sensitive occupations.
Amazon recently installed Netradyne Driveri AI cameras in delivery vehicles for road safety. The drivers, however, aren't too pleased as the system apparently punishes them for no wrongdoings.
The Los Angeles Police Department is pushing its officers to engage in the collection of social media data of civilians including those who are not arrested or accused of a crime.
China has announced a new rule under which people below the age of 18 can only play video games one hour daily from Friday to Sunday. Real-name registration systems will also be implemented.
WeChat has suspended new user registrations in a bid to upgrade its tech "to align with relevant laws and regulations" in mainland China. It is expected to get back to normal in early August.
Amazon is forcing its delivery drivers in the United States to sign a new contract that obliges them to hand over biometric data. If the drivers to not hand over their data, they will be fired.
That old song by The Police seems to hold true for just how much Google is monitoring from your Android device if you have Location History enabled. And you may not even know it is on.
Mozilla's IRL podcast, hosted by Veronica Belmont, will return to podcatchers everywhere on Monday when the show returns for a second season. The first episode will look at bots and their effects.
According to WikiLeaks' latest report, the CIA used seemingly harmless domains as a facade to hide its 'Hive' communications platform that enabled the covert exfiltration of data from target machines.
The messaging service was asked to comply with the government's order of sharing the user data. The company has been fined for 800,000 rubles ($14,000) but, its founder intends to fight the ruling.
The online privacy and freedom advocacy Open Rights Group has announced that it is seeking to recruit people for its Advisory Council. Read on to see what's required and how to apply.
CouchPotato is a remote tool for collection against RTSP/H.264 video streams. It allows the agency to collect the stream as a video file(AVI) or as still frames in the form of JPG.
When it comes to spying on its citizens, China is way ahead of its peers, and have recently started forcing the citizens in the province of Xingjiang to install spyware on their Android phones.
Australia is trying to introduce a new surveillance law that could be passed before November. It will require tech firms to decrypt encrypted messages and is based on the UK's Snooper's Charter.
The Investigatory Powers Act, or Snoopers' Charter, is "the most extreme surveillance regime of any democracy in history" according to Liberty NGO, who's mounting a legal challenge to the bill.
A complaint filed to the FTC today by four consumer advocacy groups has alleged that two popular toys subject children to ongoing surveillance by recording audio and uploading it to remote servers.
Although Apple mentions that iMessage is secure from snooping, the claim might not be completely true, as a report has revealed that the company could share a user's contacts with authorities.
A new poll from AP-NORC suggests that 56% of Americans support warrantless surveillance. The poll also suggests that religious extremism could be the cause of the spike.
Apple has responded to the UK government's draft surveillance bill, 'Investigatory Powers Bill'. It details concerns that Apple has over the proposed legislation.
Edward Snowden, the man who exposed the US government's secrets to the world, has joined Twitter and is currently following the NSA, the agency accused of spying on citizens.
Hacking Team, a company specializing in spy services on behalf of government agencies was hacked earlier today and the attackers have exposed its internal documents and credentials to the public.
Toshiba has unveiled a new hard drive meant for "surveillance." It is designed to be used in servers due to it featuring a large amount of storage and RV sensors for use in RAID enclosures.
At Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference today, the company took a firm stance in protecting customer privacy with cloud data and has not provided any agency with a backdoor into its data.
The Obama administration has promised that they will push forward legislation extending the US Privacy Act, which protects Americans from unlawful data collection, to European citizens.
Vodafone is releasing a new report in which it publicly confirms that some governments have direct access to users' calls and data. This happens through secret wires into carriers' data centers.
China is reportedly studying IBM servers and evaluating alternatives from local manufacturers to prevent surveillance of its banks from international agencies, such as United States' NSA.
Google is actively looking to simplify encryption of end to end communication between users of its email service following the recent revelations regarding NSA surveillance and the PRISM project.
A security research group has published preliminary findings of their study of the Windows crash reports which claims that the gathered information can be sufficient to get blueprints of networks.
Eight of the world's largest tech companies have joined forces to call for "government surveillance reform", including an open letter petitioning President Obama and Congress to lead global changes.
Edward Snowden's NSA leaks have been the source of much consternation for companies like Google and Facebook; now, they're working with the White House in an attempt to provide greater transparency.

Report reveals NSA director Keith Alexander replicated a war room after Star Trek's Starship Enterprise
A report released by Foreign Policy reveals NSA Director Keith Alexander is supposedly a huge fan of Star Trek. One of the NSA war rooms was built to replicate the iconic "Starship Enterprise".
If you use an Android, Apple or even a Blackberry, the chances are the NSA can gain access to your phone. Der Spiegel reports contact lists, SMS messages and even users locations can be tracked.
Speaking at a cybersecurity conference in New York City, NSA Director Keith Alexander outlined plans for reducing the number of system admins - plans he claims to pre-date Snowden's classified leaks.
The man behind the recent leak of information of the NSA's large-scale surveillance program will be taking part in a live question-and-answer session at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.