Yesterday Wal-Mart kicked off it's latest deal of the season, offering customers iPhones for $197. But who would have ever thought that a company would compete with Wal-Mart's "Always low prices"? AT&T has launched...
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A recently discovered security weakness in the widely used Acrobat Reader software could put Net users at more risk than previously thought, experts warned Thursday. Initially, security professionals thought that the problem was restricted and...
Less than a month after becoming the first publicly announced buyer of The SCO Group Inc.'s controversial intellectual property license for Linux, Houston-based Internet service provider Everyones Internet Ltd. is reconsidering the benefits of doing...
The office may start to sound like a fun place with the development by an Australian university of laughter-recognition software. SoundHunter was developed by computer scientists at Monah University in Melbourne to make it easier...
Experts such as Symantec claimed the Nolor worm was a high risk, yet the number of infections are relatively low. This is down to many factors, and isn't necessaritly a reflection of the risk the...
Brain implant links mind and machine An experimental brain implant the size of an M&M's candy has allowed a monkey to control a computer cursor by thought alone, Brown University researchers announced...
I spotted this on It seems this page was made to expose the known holes in IE to put pressure on Microsoft to fix them. "This page was made public to put...