The studio behind The Spiritfarer is going for a multiplayer rogue-like experience this time, and that's with a unique cooperative angle supporting 33 players in each run. Here's our review.
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The Spiritfarer developer's next game now has an early access launch date. The 33-player cooperative action game is coming out on PC, Xbox, and Game Pass soon
Thunder Lotus Games is preparing its third playtest of 33 Immortals for later this month. The cooperative action game with 33 players is being offered to Xbox Insiders and Epic Store players.
33 Immortals, the upcoming PC and Xbox co-op game featuring 33 player battles, has been delayed by Thunder Lotus Games to 2025.
The second playtest of 33 Immortals, the massively cooperative action rogue-like, is now live. Xbox Series X|S and Windows players can now join via the Xbox Insider program.
The ongoing free games promotion from the Epic Games Store is back with three more games to claim. You can now get Prey (2017), Jotun: Valhalla Edition, and Redout: Enhanced Edition for free.
Epic Games Store is back with another game to giveaway this week, even though it's a new year. Sundered: Eldritch Edition is free to claim and keep, and will be replaced by Horace next week.
Jotun Valhalla Edition can now be claimed for free through the Epic Games Store. The title is an action exploration game that has you proving that you are worthy enough to enter Valhalla.