A member of the US Navy's Red Team security group created a tool, TeamsPhisher, that could be used to send malicious attachments to a Microsoft Teams group using known flaws in the software.
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To avoid the kind of collisions with civilian vessels that have happened this year, the US Navy has started broadcasting the locations and routes of some of its ships as they pass through busy waters.
Virginia-class submarines will use Xbox 360 controllers to command their periscopes. The gaming controllers are much cheaper, lighter, and familiar to their younger sailors than the previous system.
The US Navy has said that data on over 130,000 of its sailors, including social security numbers, has been accessed by "unknown individuals". The situation is currently being monitored.
German software-maker, Bitmanagement, has sued the US Navy for deploying copies of its 3D virtual reality software on more computers than it had licenses for, and is now seeking a $600M settlement.
The US Navy has paid Microsoft $9.1 million to extend its Windows XP support contract with the company, which covers 100,000 machines and underlines a big problem with the government's infosec.