A new survey has shown consumers' perception of Microsoft following the recent WannaCry ransomware attack. Despite growing concerns, most users aren't shying away from the company's products.
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A new report from Russian cyber security company Kaspersky Lab has revealed that almost the entirety of WannaCry's victims were on Windows 7, with Windows XP users being insignificant in number.
A flaw in the way WannaCry operates has allowed a couple of researchers to create decryptors for those affected by the ransomware. That said, these solutions only work for some versions of Windows.
Shadow Brokers, the hacker group that back in April published the EternalBlue exploit used to create the Wannacry ransomware, are now threatening to release even more tools this June.
Microsoft's Brad Smith has reiterated the need for a Digital Geneva Convention, in light of the recent attacks. He also blamed government vulnerability stockpiles as partly responsible for the attack.