TaskSwitchXP provides the same functionality as the existing application switching mechanism in Windows XP/2003 today. When the hotkey combination Alt + Tab (or Alt + Shift + Tab) is pressed, TaskSwitchXP generates the list of open windows in which the end user is working. This list of open windows is presented as a group of icons, with one outlined by a selection rectangle. As the end user continues to hold the Alt key and presses the Tab key, the selection rectangle moves to the next (previous) icon. The selected icon represents the application that Windows will bring to the foreground once the Alt key is released. In addition to displaying an icon list, however, TaskSwitchXP show also a thumbnail preview of the window that will be switched to.
What's new in 2.05:
- First official 2.0 release: new homepage, new features and languages
- New help docs were added
- Default preview mode for multiple monitors was fixed
- Small bug with restricted user accounts was fixed
- Small bug with default colors were fixed
- Small bug with minimizing to tray was fixed
- Some small bugs were fixed

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