As promised by Pavel Durov earlier this month, Telegram has officially launched its premium subscription. Telegram Premium will serve as a source of additional revenue for the service, offering several bonuses for those who need to get the most of the messenger.
All the existing features of Telegram will remain free of charge for all users, and future updates will keep supplying new capabilities. Those willing to support Telegram by purchasing the subscription for $4.99/mo will receive several neat bonuses and exclusive features that include the following:
- Double Limits. Up to 1000 channels, 20 chat folders, 10 pins, 4 accounts (in a single app), 200 pins inside a folder, 20 public links for channels and groups, 10 favorite stickers, and 400 GIFs.
- 4GB single-file upload. Telegram currently allows uploading files up to 2GB in size.
- More symbols in the bio. Use 140 characters in your profile bio instead of the default 70.
- More symbols in captions. Use longer descriptions for your photos and videos.
- Faster Downloads. Unlimited speeds for media and document downloads.
- Voice-to-text. Telegram Premium will offer you an automatic transcript of voice messages.
- Ad-free. No more ads in public channels.
- Unique Reactions. Additional animated reactions to messages.
- Premium Stickers. Exclusive enlarged stickers with additional effects with monthly updates. Enlarge your stickers for just $4.99/mo.
- Advanced Chat Management. Tools to set default folder, auto-archive, and hide new chats from non-contacts.
- Profile badge. A badge next to your name shows that you are an active Telegram supporter.
- Animated Profile Pictures. Animated avatars in chat lists and chats for additional self-expression.
- Premium App Icon. Choose from a selection of Telegram app icons for your home screen.
Telegram Premium is available in version 8.8, which is now live on all platforms. Note that the subscription price may differ depending on your country or region.
The subscription is not the only change in Telegram 8.8. The latest version also packs many improvements and new features available for all users. For example, you can now send a join request into a public group, create an animated profile picture on macOS, and enjoy smoother animations on iPhones and iPads with ProMotion displays. Telegram says version 8.8 also brings more than 100 various fixes and optimizations.
You can learn more about the latest Telegram update and Telegram Premium in the official release notes.
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