Telegram has announced that channel owners that have at least 1,000 subscribers can start earning 50% of the revenue from ads that they display in their channels. To make this possible, the company is rewarding users with Toncoins on the TON Blockchain that can be cashed out whenever.
We’ve heard about TON in the past but it looks like now the company is putting it to use. The TON Blockchain boasts low fees and high transaction speeds - it even holds a record for the number of transactions that it can process per second.
You do not have to withdraw you Toncoins if you don’t want to. You can reinvest them in Telegram ads, collectible usernames, or Premium giveaways. The ads aspect is pretty interesting because you’ll be able to use them to promote your bot or channel, further increasing traffic to your channel.

Discussing ads a little bit, the company said that you can create ads with just a handful of Toncoins. When you are making your ad, you can select the exact channels where you would like them to appear so you can better target it.
If you’re a Telegram user reading this and screaming “Oh, no! Not ads!”, you don’t need to worry too much as they will only be shown in large public channels and will never appear in your chats, chat list, or other interfaces.
These ads are also privacy-friendly, they are never displayed based on user data. You’ll only see the ads aimed at particular channels you’re in and they benefit the admin of the channel so he will be encouraged to continue maintaining the channel.
If you’re still miffed at the decision, you’ll have to subscribe to Telegram Premium where you’ll be able to turn off ads and get access to exclusive features, including new Telegram Business features that just launched.
Let us know in the comments what you think about this change. Are you a Telegram channel owner who plans to monetise your content?
Source: Telegram
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