Following a January update, Telegram now lets you send one-time voice and video messages that delete after they’ve been played back. This ephemerality allows you to better mimic a real-life conversation where you only say a thing once and the other person can’t keep listening to it.
To record view-once messages, you need to swipe up to lock recording then tap on the view-once icon before sending it. When the recipient gets the messages a small 1 will indicate it’s a one time message and once played it cannot be paused or rewound and vanishes when done.
While this does seem pretty cool you should understand that there is nothing stopping someone from recording the message to listen to it again in the future.
Another new change in the latest update is the ability to see the exact time that messages in 1-on-1 chats were opened. You can adjust your privacy settings for this feature based on your Last Seen status. If you hide your Last Seen time for certain users you can also hide your read status from these people too. To see when your message was read, just tap it and read at the top of the pop up.
Other new changes for free users of Telegram include new shared contacts designs, improved video messages on iOS with clearer video quality, faster front and back camera switching, and reduced camera shake. For users on macOS there are also 15 icons included in that app to match your theme and stand out in the dock.
If you pay for Telegram Premium, there are a bunch of new features for you too including faster video stories, private message permissions so you only get messages from contacts and premium users, one-way last seen and read times, and tags to sort saved messages more easily.
Source: Telegram
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