Little over two weeks after the last major update, Telegram is rolling out another one. This time, the update focuses on improving mini apps, small in-messenger programs that developers can use to expand Telegram's capabilities.
Applications in Telegram can now go full-screen to offer users more on-screen content, such as games in landscape mode, extra UI elements, and more. Also, developers now have access to device motion tracking, which enables new controls in games (like controlling a spaceship by moving your smartphone side-to-side) and even VR experiences.
In addition, Telegram now allows applications to request location data (turned off by default), send users gifts, generate and download documents (useful for apps that use AI-generated content, for example), customize the app loading screen, use various subscription plans with Telegram Stars, and access basic hardware information for automatic settings adjustments.
If you have a favorite Telegram mini app, you can now pin it to your phone's home screen. Also, you can let Telegram change your status automatically so that your contacts can see when you play a game, work, watch a movie, or perform other activities (this feature is only available to Telegram Premium subscribers). And if you use an app that can generate media, Telegram will allow you to share that media without leaving the mini app.
With the latest update, developers of Telegram mini apps can update their projects to adopt new features. However, you can already try some of those features on Telegram using @playdeck, @tverse, and @major. More information about Mini Apps 2.0 is available in the official announcement.
In other Telegram news, developers of the messenger recently released an ARM-native version for Windows, allowing users with Copilot+ PCs and other ARM-powered Windows machines to benefit from optimizations, better performance, and improved energy efficiency.
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