Telegram closed out 2019 with a pretty major feature update to its messaging apps on Android and iOS, and now it's starting off 2020 with even more improvements. This time, most of the changes focus on the polling feature.
Polls in Telegram now have a range of new options, starting with visible votes. If you'd like your group or channel to be able to see who voted for which options, you can do that now, but the option to create anonymous polls is still there. Another new feature for polls is the ability to give multiple answers, which can be useful if you're scheduling a meetup and trying to figure out the best time slots available, for example.
The last big news for polls is quiz mode, which means you can choose the right answer when you create the poll and see who gets it right. All of these capabilities have also been added to Telegram's Bot API, and to demonstrate the capabilities of quiz mode, the team has launched the Quiz Bot, which lets users create multi-question quizzes, complete with images or additional text to create a full-blown test or exam. The bot will even keep track of how long users took to complete the test and how many right answers they got, creating a global leaderboard based on the results.
Polls aside, there are a couple of minor tweaks to the apps. For starters, users can customize the message bubble corners, meaning you can adjust how round (or square) you want them to look. Additionally, Android users can now see exact progress counters for downloads and uploads, just like those on iOS.
These new features are available in Telegram version 5.14, which should be available from the Play Store and the App Store, depending on your device.
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