Add this to your list of weird technology news in the past week, but it appears that for the past 12 hours or so, many Xbox One owners are seeing a truly bizarre error message pop up on their console. This warning is appearing during regular use of the Xbox One and doesn't appear to be tied to any specific function.

The strange error message reads as follows:
This would be some long description about the error. Read it and weep! And if you haven't looked up this phrase on the internet, please do! You will find a My Little Pony episode called ‘Read it and Weep.’ Cloudchasers and Wonderbolts, you’ll never be forgotten!
While many Xbox One users who reported the issue on Reddit and Twitter suspected that this was some kind of inside joke or an Easter Egg, Mike Ybarra, corporate vice president of Xbox and the Windows gaming platform, commented on the issue saying that:
Fix will be in tonight, sorry about that. Test string that shouldn’t show up.
— Mike Ybarra (@XboxQwik) July 19, 2017
Xbox One owners will certainly be pleased to know that a fix is inbound. However, one does wonder why a Microsoft employee took the time to write relatively more meaningful placeholder text as compared to the standard lorem ipsum.
Source and image via: FATstronaut5 (Reddit) via VG247
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