Update: There's an update to this story which sort of explains what's going on with these very high system file figures.

Although there has been a displeasure among many regarding the system requirements of Windows 11, few would argue against some those like the 4GB system memory or the 60GB free space requirement as they seem fairly reasonable for what one is getting. However, enthusiasts and tweakers have gone beyond that too with utilities like the new Tiny11 and TIW11 (Debloos). For example, using the former, it was possible to run a Windows 11 on just 196MB of memory. For such users who are bothered by the file size of their OS, which in the case of Windows is typically around 20-25GB, the Samsung Galaxy S23, specifically the Ultra variant could come as shocker. That's because the S23 Ultra seems to eat up nearly 60GB of storage space according to user reports. This is nearly two to three times more than Windows 11 and Windows 10.

This came to light when journalist and Android enthusiast Mishaal Rahman started a thread on Twitter discussing the exorbitant system file sizes in Android phones. One of the commenters, Alex Maxham, who happens to be using a Galaxy S23 Ultra, shared a screenshot of their device showing close to 58 GB of usage for the system files.
Maxham was clearly startled by the amount of space their phone took up. In the Twitter post where they posted the picture, they wrote "It's still 57gb after separating the apps. And this is only two days into using the S23 Ultra. I'd hate to see it after a year or even 6 months."
Some of the other commenters have also posted screenshots of their own previous gen Galaxy devices. It looks like both the S21 Ultra and the S22 Ultra hovers around 37GB of usage implying that the S23 gobbles up exactly around 50% more storage space.
Via: Ars Technica
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