UltraFXP is an FTP client for Microsoft® Windows. It can transfer files from FTP servers directly to and from your local hard drive, or transfer files between FTP sites (site to site transfer). The user interface is very intuitive and full of features, synchronization of folders and drag 'n drop.
What's New in Current Version:
- Move up/down for HighLights
- Global skip list added %D% %F% to identify dir/files. %D%*book* will skip dir matchs *book*
- Now UltraFXP remember Remote/Local position of Left/Right window, If want the both remote window as old version. set it and restart UltraFXP
- "Test" now working for site group (site manager)
- Buffer lines of Log (Setting/General)
- Optional Use SkipList for per site (site manager/transfer)
- %all% Tag for raw command. will send command to all active servers
- Proxy "12. USER ftpuser@ftpHost ftpPort" support
- Ctrl+R raw command window now accept Raw variable too
- SSL Type for Quick connect dropdown menu
- Ingore file extension when Compare Folders
- Select non match when Compare Folders
- PRET support for drFTPD (site manager/option)
- UF_MIRC now support send command to mIRC direct by '' prefix
Example: UF_MIRC('server') is same as do "/server" at mIRC

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News source: click-now.net