Thanks synthetic who sends us word direct from the official forums is that the first UT2003 Patch is in Beta. Here's a huge list of the changes:
- suicides count against team score in TDM
- fixed attenuation flak chunk damage over distance
- reduced minigun spin up time slightly
- made shock beam effect thicker
- always keep dynamic light for shock projectile, even in low detail mode
- translocation destination adjustment bug fix
- "kdraw collision" disabled in MP
- player dies before ball gets through hoop should still get credit for throw
- fixed redeemer point blank shots
- double tap time invariant to gamespeed
- get rid of 03_2 use (duplicate of "three" sound)
- fixed problems with overtime not ending on first score in some situations
- fixed transloc camera sometimes taking two taps
- fixed 4 rocket bug
- fixed instagib really is instaGIB
- fixed 10 seconds before can speak again
- fixed killz in CTF-December, CTF-Face3, and BR-IceFields
- clamped max view bob
- fixed tokara forest switching to CTF
- fix for balllauncher switchaway bug
- fixed problem with teammates grabbing the flag right when you score
- fixed No Adrenaline mutator not allowing other mutators to work
- fixed getting correct bots on configured bot games with no bots on one team
- fixed falling damage bug
- straightened lightning bolt
- fixed shieldgun impact charging effect fps slowdown
View: ina-community thread
News source: Planet Unreal