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Web offers 'Star Wars' sneak peek

The Star Wars franchise is selling its next ticket to fans on the Web. On June 5, LucasFilm, the makers of the blockbuster outerspace-fantasy film series, will offer a sneak preview of its redesigned Web site and first-ever online subscription service. Called Starwars.com Hyperspace, the new annual membership area will let movie fans track the filming of "Star Wars: Episode III," which starts production in Australia in June, via a Webcam, among other perks.

The sneak preview of Hyperspace and the Web site is free to visitors, but the full site opens June 10, with annual fees of $19.95 for the subscription area only. The general site, with movie information, will still be free.

LucusFilm, whose interactive arm Lucas Online manages the Web site, is embarking on relatively new territory online with a movie-fan subscription area, given that only a few film franchises have such a loyal following that they may be willing to pay for exclusive material. The company said that the site, which launched in 1996, attracts nearly 4 million people a month and up to 7 million a month during film releases.

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News source: news.com

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