Every time a new build leaks, it seems like we get asked if there are any new icons in this release. While the last couple of builds have been dry of new icons, 9901 does finally add a couple more items to the mix.
For most, icons are a boring addition to an OS as they do not add any value, to others, new icons are a way of life. So, at the top of this post, you can see the new icons that are present in 9901. Namely, the new folder icons, settings gear and a couple of error/warning prompt icons.
It's not a surprise that the new icons continue the flat and modern theme that we saw the last time we took a look at the new images. It's quite clear that Microsoft is still heading down the same path as build 9860 and that these icons are representative of the final direction Microsoft is taking the OS.
We have been covering all of the new features that shipped with the latest build of Windows 10 and if you need a refresher, you can check all of our coverage here. If you happen to find something that we have not covered yet, make sure to send us a tip. Or, if you are having issues with your install, you can get help in our forums here.
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