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Windows 10 SDK Preview build 15042 is now available - here's what's new

Earlier today, Microsoft released Windows 10 for PCs build 15046 to the Fast ring, bringing some minor new features. It's now offering SDK Preview build 15042 to developers, which coincides with the last Fast ring build.

There's not a whole lot that's new; indeed, Microsoft announced that the SDK was feature-complete at the Creators Update Developer Day event, so there are no API changes. One thing that has changed is that the SDK Preview will now only support Visual Studio 2017, something that the company has been suggesting that developers use for some time.

The SDK setup name has changed, meaning that if you have any scripts that install it, you'll need to change the path to 'WinSDKSetup.exe'.

Of course, there are some known issues as well:

  • DX12 Template Throws when running Build 15042: This is a known bug in the Windows SDK installer. If you encounter this issue, you can repair the SDK by simply running the following command from an Administrative command prompt: C:\program files (x86)\windows kits\10\bin\10.0.15042.0\x86\DismFoDInstall.cmd

  • Unable to deploy to device: If you are unable to deploy your app to a device or emulator, it may be because Windows IPOverUSB did not install correctly. To work around this issue:

    • Open up the ISO

    • Navigate into the WindowsSDK\Installers folder

    • Double click on the file “Windows IP Over USB-x86_en-us.msi

    • Follow the prompts

  • Windows App Certification Kit crashes when launched from Visual Studio: If Visual Studio cannot deploy the app, the Windows App Certification Kit may crash when loading. To work around this issue:

    • Launch the Windows App Certification Kit from the Windows shortcut

    • Provide a pointer directly to the package to run the tests

The Preview SDK needs to be used with build 15042 or greater, which means that you can use last week's PC Fast ring build, 15043 for Mobile, or today's 15046 for PCs. We're getting close to the Creators Update now, so there will be a final version soon enough.

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