AdDuplex has updated its Windows market share tracker and it now believes that Windows 11 is installed on 16.1% of computers that run either Windows 10 or 11. AdDuplex has not released a new report since the end of November when Windows 11 was sitting at 8.6%. Today’s figures incorporate the installs we’ve had over December and January as well as all the new computers that were bought in over the holidays with Windows 11 pre-installed.

While Windows 11 has almost doubled its market share since November, Windows 10 21H2 has more than tripled in use over the same period. AdDuplex said it will be interesting to see where these numbers settle over time as many computers do not meet the minimum requirements for Windows 11 and are forced to stay on the ageing Windows 10.

The way AdDuplex sources its information is quite interesting too. Around 5,000 Microsoft Store apps running AdDuplex SDK v.2 help AdDuplex collect data on tens of thousands of machines to learn about the operating system the apps are running on. AdDuplex takes a sample of 60,000 computers and then reports the percentages running various editions of Windows 10 and 11.
Notably, AdDuplex can only collect data on Windows versions with the Microsoft Store so some older versions of Windows that are no longer supported are not represented, with that said, AdDuplex’s data probably gives a fairly accurate picture of things.
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