Thanks SkyyPunk for this post in the BPN forum.
Dear Windows OneCare Beta Testers,
First, a huge thanks to everyone for your great feedback and ideas! We've been hard at work fixing bugs and implementing new features based on the valuable input you have provided. This newsletter contains information on upcoming product improvements, the first in a series of top tester awards, and how you can help expand our beta program.
Invite your friends and family to signup for the Windows OneCare Beta! Do you know others who are interested in trying out Windows OneCare? We are now at the point where we would like to expand our group of beta testers. We encourage you to extend Windows OneCare beta invitations to your friends and family. Just have them go to, sign in with their Microsoft® Passport Network credentials, type in OneCare (case sensitive) when prompted for the guest ID, and follow the instructions from there.
View: Beta Place
News source: Neowin BPN Forum