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Windows Phone Internals allow for installation of custom ROMs on any Lumia

While Microsoft may no longer be interested in producing new features for Windows phone, that doesn't stop the developers associated with the ecosystem from creating new ones themselves. Well, at least one of them, Heathcliff from XDA, has something for the Windows phone hold-overs. The creator of Windows Phone Internals has updated his old tool to let any custom ROM onto the now-defunct Lumia smartphones.

Launched in 2015 for the Microsoft devices, the latest update to the tool allows users to put any custom ROM on a Windows 10 Mobile, or even a Windows Phone 8 device. The version 2.2 of the application is yet to be released, but the developer has teased the features in a video anyway.

In order to install a custom ROM, you first need to unlock your device's bootloader. Fortunately, that option is available within the application itself. The latest edition of the tools contains a new "open to mass-storage" mode that lets you access the file system of the phone. However, you won't need that for the purpose of installing a ROM.

Instead, you need to enable root access on your phone, which can be done through the application. After you gain access to the root, you have basically entered the Windows phone-version of the God mode. You have all privileges, the device is Interop unlocked, and you can even install custom ROM. However, you must be careful so as to not delete any unwanted files and follow the rules as described by the developer otherwise your device may get corrupted.

Source: HeathcliffXDA (Youtube) via Windows Central

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